For many years, I had been trapped in a ‘vicious circle’ of fear, avoidance, low self esteem and lack of confidence. When it came to dating, I could not even bring myself to ask anyone out, because I convinced myself that because others had rejected my invitations in the past, everyone was ‘bound to do the same’ in the future. Indeed, whenever I have been on dates in the past, it has been me being invited instead of asked!
During COVID-19 lockdown, I began to actively look around for ways and means to at least begin doing something about the counter productive predicament that I found myself in. After interacting with Sophie on social media platforms, I had no hesitation in purchasing her fantastic book called ‘Your Other Half’ which really started to change the way I looked at this situation and gave me real belief and conviction that I could find a lasting solution to this issue if I really wanted it to work!
Obviously, I did want to find a solution and big time! Since completing Sophie’s NLP coaching course, I can only reflect that it has been one of the most satisfying and rewarding things I have ever done in my entire life. Of course, it was extremely challenging and thought provoking and even a little scary at times (in terms of what you need to confront in order to move forward) but ultimately that is the point and I have gained enormously from the wonderful experience, in such lovely and supportive hands!
Sophie’s warm and friendly personality, coupled with her knowledge and enthusiasm for what she is delivering, really gave me confidence that she could help me find the answers I was looking for, to an issue that had dominated my life for a very long time. As we progressed through the sessions, although we had many serious conversations, covering some very important aspects of dating, confidence and psychology, there was also ample time for some lighter moments and some good laughs! I was very fortunate to establish a nice rapport with Sophie fairly quickly – which I know contributed massively to me completing the course successfully.
To finish, I would recommend Sophie to anyone who finds themselves in the same (or a similar) situation to mine. Sophie is fantastic at helping you find the answers to the issues that you face, in a way that builds confidence, is completely supportive and understanding and gives you that crucial feeling of trust that you can discuss your innermost thoughts openly, honestly and in confidence. A fantastic job! Thank you Sophie!
Pete Daly
Want to know more?
It’s good to talk so let’s have a chat and together, we can identify how to get you where you want to be. Just click below to book a time and I look forward to discovering how I can help you on your journey.