So Why Are You Single?

This may sound like an odd question to ask and will probably annoy most single people… The chances are they will answer with something along the lines of ‘Well, obviously because I haven’t met anyone yet!’.

Actually, it’s not that obvious? It’s easy to blame circumstances or situations on others, the state of the world, bad luck, etc… but we are all responsible for and in charge of our own lives so if you are still single despite looking for a companion, there are reasons why that’s the case.

I regularly see people who believe their happiness lies in meeting the right person but the truth is that if you aren’t happy single, you won’t be happy taken either. What they really mean is that they are lonely and that’s a very different thing. Let’s not forget that for some, being on their own is not what they want – the dating process can be rather painful and daunting.

It is therefore important to use this lonely time to reflect and look within yourself at how you can improve your situation. We all carry a lot of baggage unconsciously, things that affected us from a very early age and that we put away as far as we could at the back of our minds. It is often these little details that sabotage our best efforts. So look at how your past experiences have defined you, look how you come across to others and how you are perceived – is this the real you? Is it the image that you want others to have of you?

And so, really ask yourself… Why are you single? Why do you keep on attracting those you don’t want and  not the ones you do want? Why haven’t you met the right person yet?


And if you’re unsure what the answer is, if the dating rollercoaster of emotions is taking its toll on you and if you are serious about meeting somebody, why not download your copy of my FREE ebook ‘The Secrets to Successful Dating‘ to find out more about what you can start doing differently…

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Sometimes, we just can’t see the wood from the trees & we need a bit of some clarity about what needs to happen next… Download your FREE Life Assessment Toolkit and start moving forward.

3 Responses

  1. Many of the people you’re referring to are commonly found on dating websites. As you point out maybe they need to experience being single for a period of time in order to find out who they are. The universe, or should I say our cosmos, only provides us with what we need rather than what we want.

    1. Hi Antony, I definitely think people shouldn’t rush into relationships just for the sake of being with somebody but they somehow do… I do ‘blame’ the social mould and the expectations some feel they need to confere to… But that’s another subject for another blog 🙂

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