The Emotional Rollercoaster of Dating…

the emotional rollercoaster of datingWe’ve all been there. The sweaty palms, the butterflies, the sense of anticipation and excitement… Yes, you are just about to go on a date with someone you really like. And for as long as you are with the person, you will try to read and decipher their every move, look, word… to no avail of course as you will still feel like you don’t have a clue whether they liked you or not at the end of it! You will then get home and panic, over analyse and ask yourself endless questions, check your phone, put it down, check it again…

Dating will provide you with boring dates where you can’t wait to get out but also with ones that you would like to get somewhere. Both men and women actually go through the same emotions and process – although it could be argued women will over analyse slightly more  (I should know, I’m one of them!).

It is fair to say that the dating game is a bit like the lottery – you have to be in it to win it. But it is equally important to not let thoughts and dreams run riot… however difficult it may be to keep them in check. Yes, it is called falling in love as you will literally lose control whilst all your hormones are having a party. Just remember that early on, it is not quite love just yet, it is more the potential of a great relationship but the feeling has to be mutual.

Whether they call you or not is actually irrelevant, it is all part of the journey into becoming who you are and meeting someone that is right for you. And sometimes, you will feel lonely, on the verge of despair and not seeing the wood for the trees. It is hard to stay rational with all the emotions going on – just enjoy the process and remember to be grounded.


Are you attracting all the wrong types or no one at all? Are you struggling to meet ‘the one’? The dating roller coaster of emotions can be quite draining… And if you’re serious about meeting somebody, quite disheartening too.

Download your copy of my FREE ebook ‘The Secrets to Successful Dating‘ to find out more about what you can start doing differently…

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