Unhappy in a relationship, what should I do?
Lockdown or not, being unhappy in a relationship will affect us in many different ways from low self-esteem to struggling to concentrate at work, etc… More often than not, it […]
Understanding the Different Stages of a Relationship
Relationships are curious things. From the moment we meet someone, we don’t realise that we are actually entering the beginning of a process. Being in a relationship isn’t as straight […]
Are You Ready to Move On?
When a relationship ends, we can sometimes be too quick to move on. Unfortunately, doing so will often trigger all sorts of future unhealthy patterns of behaviour, and whilst all […]
Is There a Point to Valentines Day?
For many people, Valentines Day is an important date because it represents love and romance, and despite the fact many would say it’s too commercial, most would also probably get […]
Christmas & Strained Relationships
Unfortunately, not all relationships work nor can be saved, as the time spent ignoring the issues can be extremely damaging in the long run, but it is at times like […]
Do You Expect Too Much from People?
We are all too often guilty of setting very high expectations for ourselves… But are we expecting too much from others too? The answer is that yes, you probably do. […]
Is It Too Late to Reconcile?
Relationships naturally go through highs and lows. Unfortunately, there are times when the lows become a recurrent and constant occurrence. Often, when cracks start to appear, they are either ignored […]
Are You In a Dead-End Relationship?
There are various stages in all relationships and whilst some will thrive, some won’t make it to the other end. It can be quite a disappointed experience, especially when we […]
How to Get the Perfect Relationship
We all want to get our own way. We would like to have it all, our dreams, wishes, a career we love… But for most of us, what we desire […]
4 Steps to A Healthy Relationship
Keeping a relationship healthy and alive only takes little work if both partners are on the same page and there are some very simple ways to do so. It is […]